Key Feature : Bio fertilizer and plant growth promotors
Contains / Formulation : Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza with NPK bacteria (Azatobacter-PSB-KSB) seaweed and humic acid granular mixture
Recommendation :
- Vegetable crops / fruit crops / sugarcane / cereals / tuber crops / flower crops / etc.
- Soil application :- apply 10 kg mycon per acre mixed with compost manure / castor cack / soil or sand.
- In horticultural crops :- mix 200-300 grams of mycon with 10 kg of manure and give it per tree
Benefits :
- Better root development and increased number of root hairs
- Increases the number of microorganisms in the soil / increases fertility
- Makes all the nutrients available to the plants Saves the cost of chemical fertilizers
- Increases soil organic matter and increases biological activity