Key Feature : Liquid Fertilizer
Contains / Formulation : Ammonium polyphosphate 10-34-00 ammonium poly-sulphate is a poly phosphate containing nitrogen and phosphorus.
Recommendation :
- Foliar spray
- At the vegetative growth stage of the crop (twice at 7 and 14 days interval)
- For promotion of more flowers and fruits (twice at 7 and 14 days interval) before flowering
- 1-2 ml / litre of watre
- Drip
- 1 litre / acre
Benefits :
- By applying once, phosphorus remains available for the entire growing period, saving labor costs
- Easy to use Neutralizes acidic soil Can be used in any field
- Can mix and match with a wide range of fertilizer raw materials
- No Question of Phosphorus Fixation – Saving of Phosphorus by Not Fixing Phosphorus
- Improve utilization of secondary and micronutrients for the entire growing season to save labor costs and micronutrients
- Can be used for soluble fertilizers and liquid fertilizers